The Talent Connect APIs are a set of APIs to get public data of a Professional Identity (Talent or Company) to eventually start an onboardind process.

For companies it is an easy way to get reliable data about Talents.

For Talents it is an efficient way to expose their true skills and personal credentials while controlling their data.

Each parcel of data can be explored to get

  • issuer information, signature, name,
  • date of creation and expiration,
  • data location,
  • proofs of validity.

Data Request and Response

General Request

GET http://talao.co:5000/api/v1/talent-connect/


  • user

    • a username or a Decentalized IDentifiant
  • topicname

    • for a person : firstname, lastname, contact_email, contact_phone, birthdate, postal_address (self declared)
    • for a company : name, contact_name, contact_phone, contact_email, website (self declared)
    • resume : full resume of a user
    • analysis : resume data analysis
    • kyc or kbis (issued by third parties)
    • experience : list of all experiences (self declaration)
    • certificate : list of all certificates issued by third paries
    • education : list of diplomas (self declaration)
    • search : (to be completed)
  • option (optional)

    • to be completed


$ curl -GET http://talao.co:5000/api/v1/talent-connect/ \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d user=jean.pascalet \
-d topicname=experience


  "topic": "experience",
  "created": "2020-05-25 10:07:22",
  "issuer": {
    "address": "0x18bD40F878927E74a807969Af2e3045170669c71",
    "workspace_contract": "0xD6679Be1FeDD66e9313b9358D89E521325e37683",
    "category": 2001,
    "id": "did:talao:rinkeby:D6679Be1FeDD66e9313b9358D89E521325e37683",
    "name": "Relay",
    "contact_name": null,
    "contact_email": null,
    "contact_phone": null,
    "website": null
  "transaction_hash": "0x49dc98ad487a33a4e066e8e05758870e7972466c5e74c261ea5b4ebe091003de",
  "transaction_fee": 2000000000000,
  "doctypeversion": 2,
  "ipfshash": "QmThxo5shaJSDCYZprXzwknqgCoPja5rUW3528qNFHCKft",
  "data_location": "https://gateway.ipfs.io/ipfs/QmThxo5shaJSDCYZprXzwknqgCoPja5rUW3528qNFHCKft",
  "expires": "Unlimited",
  "privacy": "public",
  "doc_id": 23,
  "id": "did:talao:rinkeby:Ec0Cf3FA4158D8dd098051cfb14af7b4812d51aF:document:23",
  "identity": {
    "address": "0x048D19e72030a9D7a949517D5a9E3844b4533fc2",
    "workspace_contract": "0xEc0Cf3FA4158D8dd098051cfb14af7b4812d51aF",
    "category": 1001,
    "id": "did:talao:rinkeby:Ec0Cf3FA4158D8dd098051cfb14af7b4812d51aF"
  "title": "CTO",
  "description": "En charge du projet Blockchain",
  "end_date": "2020-05-01",
  "start_date": "2020-01-01",
  "company": {
    "address": null,
    "contact_email": "basil@bnp.com",
    "contact_name": "",
    "contact_phone": "0607182594",
    "name": "BNP",
    "website": null,
    "workspace_contract": null
  "certificate_link": null,
  "skills": [
  "topic": "experience",
  "created": "2020-06-06 18:54:35",
  "issuer": {
    "address": "0x18bD40F878927E74a807969Af2e3045170669c71",
    "workspace_contract": "0xD6679Be1FeDD66e9313b9358D89E521325e37683",
    "category": 2001,
    "id": "did:talao:rinkeby:D6679Be1FeDD66e9313b9358D89E521325e37683",
    "name": "Relay",
    "contact_name": null,
    "contact_email": null,
    "contact_phone": null,
    "website": null
  "transaction_hash": "0xb3c181a2490ebf9a18e875cbb47e14041c5f7a34854cd8e9ca9f2016d092696c",
  "transaction_fee": 2000000000000,
  "doctypeversion": 2,
  "ipfshash": "QmdWCKBVybPRQvWmY7hAbkRHFRXvvPPqKAi8ieZBm2WtEd",
  "data_location": "https://gateway.ipfs.io/ipfs/QmdWCKBVybPRQvWmY7hAbkRHFRXvvPPqKAi8ieZBm2WtEd",
  "expires": "Unlimited",
  "privacy": "public",
  "doc_id": 36,
  "id": "did:talao:rinkeby:Ec0Cf3FA4158D8dd098051cfb14af7b4812d51aF:document:36",
  "identity": {
    "address": "0x048D19e72030a9D7a949517D5a9E3844b4533fc2",
    "workspace_contract": "0xEc0Cf3FA4158D8dd098051cfb14af7b4812d51aF",
    "category": 1001,
    "id": "did:talao:rinkeby:Ec0Cf3FA4158D8dd098051cfb14af7b4812d51aF"
  "title": "CTO",
  "description": "We are working to deliver software solutions and consulting services to businesses worldwide, and help our clients to create innovative and technological products in various areas.\r\n\r\nInnowise Group team is divided into several departments and structural units responsible for certain areas of company\u2019s activities.\r\nSeamless collaboration between all of them on a daily basis helps us achieve short term objectives and strategic goals.",
  "end_date": "2019-11-01",
  "start_date": "2019-07-01",
  "company": {
    "contact_email": "pierre@bnp.com",
    "contact_name": "Pierre",
    "contact_phone": "01 607182594",
    "name": "Covea"
  "certificate_link": "",
  "skills": [

Exchange data with User

General Request

Authenticating using a login and secret through HTTP Basic Authentication. Check your your API credentials.

Access can be also secured through a specific White List to limit the client domains.

POST http://talao.co:5000/api/v1/talent-connect/auth/


"Content-Type: application/json"




{"action" : xxxx, "user" : xxxxx}

action :

  • call_back : send an email
  • to be completed


curl -X POST  \
-u 0x4A2B67f773D30210Bb7C224e00eAD52CFCDf0Bb4:3042d4704a513b3ffb4a2adb78e73446   \
-d '{"action" : "call_back"}' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"